5 Simple Ways to Create Effective Copy For Your Website
A high-quality website is an essential element of your business’s digital marketing strategy, and the copy used across your site and any associated social media pages will be key to your success. Ineffective copy could cause potential customers to quickly click away, losing you business and preventing your brand’s message from being delivered. Make sure you give your customers a good reason to stick around with these 5 simple tips.
1. Know your audience. Understanding who your audience is and how they speak is crucial to creating the right tone for your web copy. For example, if your brand targets a younger demographic then a more casual tone with current slang will work well, whereas an older audience may expect a more formal tone that reflects their voice. Thorough market research will ensure that you know who your audience is and what they want from your brand.
2. Make sure it’s readable. Large blocks of texts, small fonts, and uncomfortable colour schemes will all make your web copy less accessible for your reader. Bullet-pointed lists, shorter paragraphs, clear headings and a well-designed page will keep your copy clean and readable at all times.
3. Opt for creative headlines. The headline is the bait you use to draw your audience in, so make sure the copy is bold, eye-catching and exciting. Using descriptive words is a great way to add flare to the headline, while ‘how to…’ references will show the reader that your article will add something new and useful to their life. Though creativity is key, make sure that your headline honestly reflects the content of your article, or you’ll risk frustrating and alienating your audience.
4. Know your keywords. Keywords are a great tool for pulling additional traffic to your website and getting more eyes on your brand. Google’s Keyword Planner is useful for finding the correct keywords that your audience will use to reach your website, so use this information wisely and see your traffic figures soar. Be wary of over-using keywords in your content, though, as this can create an inauthentic feel to your copy and could lead to penalisation by Google.
5. Focus on value. Many businesses are tempted to fill their website with content just to get something up – this strategy won’t benefit you in the long run and will make your copy look like spam. The articles you posted should always be valuable to your audience, completely unique, and serve a purpose related to your business. Keep it relevant.